Madonna University’s Public Health Policy

College 和 university environments encompass classrooms, residence halls, 和 event venues that host a myriad of classes, activities, 和 events, facilitating interactions among students, staff, 和 community members.  These interactions also present opportunities for the spread of illnesses.

Madonna University remains committed to staying current with the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC) 和 the Michigan Department of Health 和 Human Services (MDHHS) pertaining to these settings.  As new guidance becomes available or public health conditions evolve, we will promptly update our procedures 和 policies.  These updates will be accessible on the University’s official website 和 within the Student 和 Employee 资源 sections of MY门户网站 as needed.

Communicable Disease Protocol

Communicable diseases are illnesses that can be transmitted from one person to another or from contaminated surfaces or food to a person.  Examples of these diseases include influenza, norovirus (commonly known as the stomach flu), 和 COVID-19.


In cases where a vaccine is available, getting vaccinated when eligible is one of the most effective methods to reduce the likelihood of illness.  Additionally, there are proactive measures that can further minimize the risk of infection, including:

  • Personal Responsibilities: If you are feeling sick, it is important to stay home.  Cover your coughs 和 sneezes with a tissue or your elbow 和 regularly wash your h和s with soap 和 water for at least 20 seconds.
  • A Germ-Free Environment:  Everyone can contribute to keeping shared spaces clean by regularly disinfecting high-touch surfaces 和 objects such as doorknobs, countertops, 和 h和les.


Individuals in the following roles:

  • 教师
  • Supervisors
  • 教练
  • Advisors of Student Organizations
  • Resident Assistants

Who witness three or more individuals within a specific class, workgroup, student organization, or athletic program displaying symptoms consistent with influenza, norovirus, or COVID-19 over a seven-to-ten-day timeframe are encouraged to report this occurrence 使用 Communicable Disease Reporting Form available on MY门户网站.  Please ensure that you are logged in to MY门户网站 to access the reporting link.

Suspected Communicable Disease Response

If you suspect you have a communicable disease:

  • 隔离 – If you are feeling sick, please stay home.  If you are a residential student, remain in your room until your symptoms resolve
  • Seek Medical Attention – Keep a close eye on your health 和 seek medical attention if your symptoms worsen or do not improve.
  • 监控- - - - - - Students in isolation should be closely monitored to ensure their safety.
  • 清洁, It’s important to regularly clean high-touch surfaces with an antimicrobial solution.


H和s using laptop computer

Students 和 教师 资源 for Online Course Delivery

Online resources are available on the 门户网站 for students under the Students tab, 和 faculty under the 教师 tab. Visit 我的门户 for details.

Woman using laptop

Staff 资源 for Working Remotely

Online tools 和 resources are available on the 门户网站 for employees under the Employee 帮助选项卡. Visit 我的门户 for details.
